Personal Financial Investment

Discover the tools and steps to save & invest your money and earn higher returns

Rahul Gala

I am Rahul H Gala, specializes in the field of finance, aim to promote financial literacy and guidance. I believe in this quote - “A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.

Course Content

Fixed Deposit

Recurring Deposit

Mutual Fund

Health & Life Insurance

Provident Fund

Public Provident Fund

Demo Video of Actual Course

Course Features & Benefits

Over 100 learners have already taken this course and have started as freelancers or learning just for fun & hobby. 

Exclusive training videos and live online sessions

Over 30+ minutes of content specially created by the expert

Course completion certificate

How does this work?

Full lifetime Access

Access on Desktop, Tablet, & Mobile

Expert Instructions in sign language

Start your journey now!

INR 1000/-